Friday, July 4, 2014

Thankful List ~ June 2014

June 2014 Thankful List

*  This month I am most I am most thankful for God’s comfort and peace. Our due date for our baby was June 9th and the Lord was more gracious to us than you can even begin to imagine. We are continually amazed at how the Lord works to show is majesty and power.
* Anyone who knows us well, knows what a cuddle-bug Josiah is. This month instead of just showering us with hugs and kisses he also started coming up to me and out of nowhere saying, “I wuv you Mommy.” Every single time it melts my heart. The great thing is he does it on average about 5-10 times a day. Sigh
*  I’m thankful for Raleigh. It is an absolutely wonderful city to live in. There are always events and activities available for the kids and I.
*  I finally got a haircut! I had been waiting to grow it out so that I could sell it for adoption money however, the people who contacted me seemed a little creepy (wanting extra pictures with my neckline and bare back) or they seemed like they were trying to scam me (wanting my bank account). Either way, it just didn’t seem worth it to me so I just got it cut!
*  Our family took a day trip to the beach and the kids had such a great time. Josiah especially loved running in the little puddles across the sandbar. 
*  As I’ve mentioned numerous times, I’m thankful for my amazing husband. Josh is such a phenomenal man of God, leader of our family, provider and protector and husband. This month we got to celebrate him as also being a wonderful Father. For Father’s Day we took him out to eat and got some ice cream (his favorite)!
*  Josiah is a funny kid. Recently he has started a few new things that have merited a few new nicknames. First, since he has been done with potty training he has been walking around saying, “I Big Boy.” We think it’s really cute and on occasion actually call him “BigBoy.” He also has started putting his hands in his pockets while just standing or walking around. He looks like a little man so sometime I call him “Pockets” and he giggles. We’ve also started calling him “Rocket” anytime he is holding a ball because he’s started throwing them so hard. Finally, with us being in the sun a little more a few very small freckles have popped up on his cheeks. Josh and I started calling him “Freckles” and every single time he responds with a really big smile saying “I not Frechels.” However, if I ask “Who’s my little Freckles?” he’ll respond, “I am.” LOVE HIM!
*  This month we had the pleasure of having some friends over who had moved away a few years ago. Two different families (one from Tennessee and one from Texas) came to Raleigh to visit. Although we only got to spend one evening with them, it was so refreshing and we had a great time.
*  As I’ve mentioned before we have decided to start Addilyn in Classical Conversations in the fall. This month I was able to attend a Practicum and learn all about the Classical model as well as meet lots of other moms who homeschool. The community we will be a part of also had a Moms Night Out and I am now beyond excited about our new adventure. I think this next year will be great!
*  Although this may sound silly I am also very thankful for the blessings of brokenness. Over the past few months the Lord has provided me with many opportunities to serve those who can’t serve themselves. We’ve had quite a few visitors to our church small group who are in need of help. I am so thankful for the book our small group is reading and the pastor who visited our church who preached on the exact thing the Lord has been teaching me. In addition, for years I’ve thought about churches across our nation that do not have solid teaching, discipleship, and other components that I feel will help the church be effective with the gospel. Recently though, God has taken that sadness and transformed it to a deep desire to see change. Through a heart of brokenness the Lord has helped me to be faithful to pray continually for churches across America. Specifically, I pray that they will turn to the word of God as authority and Truth will be preached so hearts will be transformed!


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