Monday, May 27, 2013

My Calling to Adopt

Ten years ago - to this very day - God called me to adopt!  

As I mentioned in another post, I studied abroad in Thailand and Burma inbetween my junior and senior year of college.  While I was there we visited a village in Burma near the city of Bagan.  While in this village I saw the desperation of a mother who wanted more for her child than what she could give, even if it meant giving away her child to a stranger.

Since we started the journey of adoption I have gone back and looked through my journals and pictures of my travels.  I was in awe when I looked at the time stamp on the picture and the date on my journal entry.  May 27, 2003:  Exactly 10 years ago from today!  In celebration of how God is at work I thought I would share with you a few lines of my journal and a few snapshots from my scrapbook.

These are pictures from that very village.   The one where God began planting the seed in my heart to pursue a little child who looks nothing like me and lives half way around the world.  The village (and the child) that would change my life and one day inspire me to adopt.

Precious faces.
They had given us a piece of the yellow "chalk" to use on our faces so we wouldn't burn.
In return, they wanted a gift.  Specifically, pens to write with.
We didn't have enough so we handed out candy.
A friend took this picture of me sitting on the edge of a pagoda after we
left the village.  I'm sure she had no clue what was going
on in my heart at that moment, but God sure knew!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Why Are We Adopting?

1.  We are adopting because we've been adopted!  Not physically, but spiritually.  The Bible teaches that we are all sinners and born enemies of God (Romans 5:12-17).  There is nothing we can do to earn favor with the Lord (Gal 2:16, Titus 3:5).  However, we can be reconciled to the Father by putting our hope and faith in Jesus Christ who lived a perfect life, died on the cross to atone for our sins, and was raised again defeating Satan and death (1 Corinthians 3:3-4).  God promises that if we confess our need for salvation and believe in what Christ has accomplished on the cross then we will be saved and he will purify us from all unrighteousness (Romans 10:9; 1 John 1:9)!  He promises that He will not leave us as orphans (John 14:18) but instead give us the Holy Spirit, who intercedes on our behalf.  When this happens we are no longer called enemies of God, but children of God (1 John 3:1-2)!  In addition, as God’s children, we are also called heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-17).  So, in an attempt to show the love of Christ to another we desire to physically adopt in order to symbolize our spiritual adoption.

2.  We are adopting because God has called us to adopt!  Over and over again in scripture God commands believers to care for the poor, needy, widows, and ORPHANS (James 1:27)! We do not believe that this means every believer should adopt, but we are confident that God has laid that on OUR hearts!  For me (Amanda) the desire began when I was studying abroad in Thailand and Burma.  One afternoon as I was walking with a friend through a small village, a distraught woman approached us, handed over her child, and went away.  We did find the woman and gave her back the child, but my heart was broken.  I wept and wept over that child and if there would have been any way in the entire world I could have kept it, I would have.  My heart has longed to return to Asia and bring home a child to call my very own.  Shortly before Josh and I were engaged, we agreed that we both felt adoption was in our future.  After three years of marriage we began trying to have biological children and struggled with infertility.  The desire in our hearts for adoption grew during the trials we faced although we did not have a peace about pursuing adoption at that point in time.  Soon afterwards the Lord was gracious to give us not one, but TWO biological children.  We have truly experienced what joy children bring and firmly believe that they are a blessing from the Lord.  After much prayer, we finally feel God leading us down the path of adoption that we have known for so long that we would one day travel.

3.  We are adopting because there is a need!  Statistics vary depending on where you look but one thing is certain, there are hundreds of millions of children worldwide who have lost one or both parents.  It is estimated that between 70-80 million orphans exist in Asia alone. Every child deserves to be loved!  For more information on orphan statistics please click here.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Surprisingly Familiar

If you know or have read anything about us, you might recall that my husband and I struggled with infertility for awhile.  We longed for a child and I was willing to do whatever it took (within the limits of our convictions) to pursue a son or daughter.  I longed for them with all of my heart.  You are welcome to read the full story on my other blog, Mysterious Journey.  However, the short version is that we dedicated all our time, money, and resources towards our goal.  We made sacrifices.  We were put in uncomfortable positions.  We had to face our fears head on.  And we grew in our faith.

This is EXACTLY what I am expecting with the adoption process.  I just think it will look a little different.

During this new season of life, we plan on sacrificing all of our time, money, and resources so we can bring our adopted daughter home to live with us as her forever family!  Lots of sacrifices will be made.  We are going to be pushed out of our comfort zone.  We are going to have to battle a whole new set of fears.  But, just like the reward we received through the blessing of biological children, we are anticipating just as great a reward though our adopted child.

When we were originally trying to get pregnant we had one doctor who told us that we would never have children.  I was devastated.  However, after seeing a fertility specialist, I was assured there are always options.  From that day, I committed to exhaust every option available while continuing to lean on the Lord for my strength.

When funds are low and we own our adoption agency money, I’m sure I will be weeping and pleading with the Lord in the same way I pleaded with him during the struggle of infertility.  But, I hope to remember that my God is faithful to provide and in Him there is always hope!   I’m sure I will be humbled as I pursue the 1,000th fundraising activity and fear that I am burdening or annoying people.  However, in the same way we exhausted our options with fertility treatments I will pursue any and every option I can think of to help us raise money to complete this adoption process.

There are people out there who do not understand the need for adoption and others who firmly believe that adoption is only for those who cannot have biological children.  I disagree!  There are even individuals who have told us they do not think we will be able to afford adoption.  So, like the doctor who told me pregnancy was impossible, I say to you, “Just wait and see what my God is capable of!”

Everything may look a little different, but the goal is the same.  To love a child with all of my heart and to train them up to love the Lord!  So get excited, because we certainly are!

Who We Are In The Everyday

We love having people in our home and are glad to host anytime for just about any reason.

We are UGA football fans.

We would love to travel more and hope to see the world as our kids get a little older.

We like to be silly.

We love board games and play several days a week no matter how busy we get.

Josh loves vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and having his head massaged. He is witty and is not afraid to admit he likes chick-flicks. He enjoys reading or studying while listening to movie soundtracks.

If I could, I would live off of double stuffed oreos, I like team sports and group fitness classes but in general I don’t like to exercise. I enjoy finding deals and being resourceful, especially if it means I have an opportunity to be creative or crafty.

Addilyn likes playing outside, tuna fish sandwiches, band-aids, her stuffed animal penguin, and playing pretend. She falls asleep reading books, wears sunglasses often, and is faithful to remind us of Bible Time everyday. Addi is my independent one and likes to do things for herself.

Both kids are grouchy when they wake up from naps but we can usually remedy that with a snack; especially if it's a smoothie.

Josiah likes choo-choo trains, elephants, and yogurt covered raisins. He enjoys brushing his teeth, wrestling, and unrolling the toilet paper from the toilet paper roll.  He loves to do whatever his sister is doing.  Siah is my snuggle bug and will shower me with hugs, kisses, fist bumps, and high fives all day if I asked him too.

We are trying to honor the Lord in all we do and rejoice in all He has already blessed us with.