Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thankful List ~ June 2016

June Thankful List

We took a short trip to Kentucky leaving Addi and Josiah with their Aunt Hallie. It was Eli’s first time on an airplane and during the layover he would  point to planes and then point to himself and then to the sky.  It was adorable.  I was glad he took naps during the flights and even more thankful for Hallie who got to spend good quality time with Addi and Josiah!

We found out that Baby Kelly is a little GIRL!  We are so very excited!  The anatomy scan looked great and it seems as if she is a very healthy growing little baby!  Praise God for his abundant blessings!

The kids and I have been so blessed by our local homeschool co-op.  We have enjoyed great fellowship from other God-fearing families, fun with book club, and eventful field day, and even Reader’s Theater this month.  I’ve learned that when moving to a new area it takes time to build close friendships but I’m thankful for the families we are learning and growing with!  In addition, each week we’ve filled our time going to the spray park, pool, or library.

This month we’ve done a lot of celebrating friends.  We had six birthday parties, enjoyed having people over, and enjoyed going to visit others.  One highlight was Traci visiting from Germany.

I was able to attend CC Practicum for the third year.  Addi was enrolled in Geo Camp and cried almost every day when we had to leave because she was having so much fun.  Josiah had a blast in play camp too!

We have seen so many evidences of grace in Addilyn this month.  She has been helping out around the house more, trying to care for Eli, and demonstrated great generosity with using all of her saved money to buy presents for others.

Josiah continues to make me laugh and melt my heart.  He is always saying or doing funny things and is definitely still my cuddle-bear.

Elias is growing up too fast.  He is climbing on everything (standing on toys, bunk bed, etc.).  I never get to rest when he is awake.  He is always exploring and getting into everything.  My favorite development is his desire to constantly wrestle with Josiah.  It is absolutely adorable.