Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thankful List ~ January & February 2014

Thankful List- January & February 2014 
*I’m so thankful for my marriage and that God has blessed Josh and I with great communication. I am thankful we are typically on the same page when it comes to life decisions and I’m thankful that God helps me to submit to Josh’s wisdom and leadership when we are not on the same page. We made a lot of hard decisions the past two months concerning our budget, adoption, church planting, and preschool for Addilyn. I am thankful that at the end of the day, I do feel a peace about all decisions we have made.
*I’m thankful for Addi’s desire to learn. Over the past two months she has learned to read her –at words, -an words, -ap words, and more. She also put together a 100 piece puzzle in 20 minutes on New Years Day which absolutely blew my mind.
* I’m thankful for Josiah’s love for all things music. This little boy loves to dance. It doesn’t matter if it is a YouTube video of “What Does the Fox Say”, a song that’s playing on my iphone, or Mr.Erik at the library…If there is music, he is dancing! He also goes around the house all day singing all our bed time songs/hymns. His two favorites recently are Holy, Holy, Holy, and Amazing Grace. He also loves to drum. We had a family night where we each picked our “favorite” instrument and listened to songs with that instrument. Josiah of course picked a drum. We watched a video of a drum line competition and by the end of it my little man was twirling and throwing his sticks in between beats.
* I’m thankful for snow. I’m equally thankful that it melts and goes away. We had a great time making snow angels, throwing snowballs, sledding and even making some snow cream, but I’m glad we live in a climate in which we only have it for a few days a year (if that). My kids and I get really stir crazy if we are stuck in our house for more than 36 hours.

*I am thankful for DVDs and Netflix. We have had a very cold winter with several snow days and I’m thankful I can cuddle up on the couch with my kids to watch fun movies. We watched Aristocrats and Rio for snow days and The Incredibles for a family movie night. So fun!
*I am thankful for the many gifted people within our church body who are willing to use their giftings to bless others. We hired one man in our church to fix a bunch of things around our house that we didn’t have the tools or know-how to fix ourselves. He did a great job! In addition, another man in our church built my kids beautiful new bunk beds for a really great price. He did such a great job and we are thankful that my kids can actually fit in their beds again.
*I am thankful to know the Bells. They are such a blessing to us and so fun to be around. In January, we got to celebrate with them as they appeared as contestants on television game show The Price Is Right!
*I’m thankful for dress up clothes. My kids have had several really great evenings playing with friends and using their imaginations. I love it. They look adorable and they really have a ton of fun!
* I’m glad to be done with the playroom remodel that I started over 4 months ago. We painted the walls. We put down carpet. I made a reading bench from a wood pallet. We made shelves. I made a picture board, magnet boards, repainted some frames and added some recent pictures. I organized lot of the smaller toys into decorated shoeboxes. I refurbished an old baby doll bassinet that was handed down from Josh’s grandmother. And I painted several fun things for the walls. In all we spent about $80 because almost everything (except the paint and the carpet) was up-cycled from supplies we found or already had. The playroom is MUCH easier to clean and it looks so stinkin’ cute now.

 *I thankful for comp time. Josh worked a ridiculous number of hours during November, December, and the first part of January. Recently he had almost an entire week off and we enjoyed every minute of him being at home. During our “stay-cation” we were able to finish projects around the house (like building, sanding, and staining a storage areas for the kids outdoor toys). We were able to have fun family outings to places like the library, the YMCA, a toddler/preschooler gymnastics event, the science museum, and several different indoor and outdoor playgrounds. We were also able to get a GREAT deal on Les Miserables tickets for a much needed date night. We had several people over for dinner. We had a couple nights where I was able to go out with other ladies or Josh went out with other men. We also made time to sleep in (well, at least one day until 8:30) and time for each of us to go have alone time to read or catch up on important things.

*I’m thankful for friends that choose to go serve as missionaries overseas and I’m glad they get to come back to the US to visit. This month we had the opportunity to visit with some old friends and it was amazing to see how much our lives had changed in 3 ½ years. We had such a great time visiting with them and I was so encouraged by hearing of God’s great work they are part of on the other side of the world.