Some of our friends who are adopting started a monthly
“Thankful List” on their blog Another Pair of Shoes. I thought this was just the neatest
idea. I know that the adoption process
can be trying and there will be days that I will just want to throw in the
towel. I want to be prepared for when
those days come. I want to look back and
see the millions of ways my God has already proven himself faithful and be
reminded that He is sovereign over everything in our life. In addition, our pastors just finished a
sermon series through 1 Thessalonians.
One passage that has been coming to my mind over and over again is
1Thess 5:16-18 which says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks
in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” For this reason, I am going to try and create
our very own monthly thankful list!
August 2013 Thankful List
* Josiah turned 2 years old! We can't imagine life without our adorable, full-of-energy, mischief-making, handsome little boy!
* We had the opportunity to take the kids to the swimming pool a few times and they had a great time learning how to jump into the water from the side of the pool and swim around with lifejackets instead of us holding them.
* We saw two summer series movies for $1 per person at the theater. This was a great new experience for the kids and we discovered they love popcorn!
* I am thankful for the nursery workers at the YMCA who allow me to take an exercise class, get a hot shower, and check my email or work on adoption paperwork.
* I am thankful for my amazing husband! We celebrated our 9th anniversary in July by painting on canvas for our adoption silent auction. Since then, we have had several more fun painting nights. I love that we are a couple who enjoys doing fun things together.
* We are thankful for our amazing church family. A few months ago our church (who is only 8 years old) took the big leap and purchased a permanent facility. The facility had been foreclosed on and was an absolute disaster. Over the course of a few weeks in July and August the members of our church rallied together, made tons of sacrifices with their time, energy, and money so that we could hold our first service in the new building on August 25th! I can not even begin to describe to you the number of hoops and hurdles our elders had to jump through to make that happen, but with lots of prayer and God's grace it actually happened and was better than any of us could have imagined.
* I am thankful for the local library. My kids LOVE books and Mr.Eric (the librarian who sings and plays his guitar at story time).
* I am thankful for the discovery of Facebook Buy, Sell, Trade groups. I've sold at least $75 worth of stuff we didn't want and every penny goes towards our adoption!
* We are thankful to have found a local group of people who play Ultimate Frisbee! We've been out a few times this month! We've had a great time getting a good work out and meeting new people!
* I am thankful for a new friend. I had been praying for quite awhile for God to bring a woman into my life who was married, had kids slightly older than my own, and who could be a friend and mentor to me. After months of praying for this, I met a lady in Starbucks one day who just happened to be visiting my church and taking the same classes at the YMCA as me. We've hung out a few times and I'm not quiet sure she understand what a blessing she is to me.
* I am thankful that I have been able to start working on the webpage for our Online Silent Auction we are having in November to raise money for the adoption. I have sent out numerous letters asking for donations and quiet a few individuals (and even a few business) have already responded (even without me having to follow up).
* I'm thankful for my small group ladies. They are a true treasure to my heart. We had a ladies night out this month and I really think I may have smiled for four hours straight.
* We are thankful that God is continuing to sanctify us. Specifically, I can see one area where I really feel the Lord is transforming us.
* I am thankful for long-distance friends that came to visit. We had great conversation that lasted late into the night (early morning) and was really refreshing.
* We are thankful for board game nights (and babysitters)!
* I'm thankful to serve in the Two Year Old class at my church. What an opportunity!